About Ann Rolfe

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Ann Rolfe is internationally recognised as Australia's leading specialist in mentoring, and is available for speaking, training and consulting. Here Ann shares her knowledge and allows you to ask your most pressing questions about mentoring.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

The Domino Effect

Have you seen an intricate patterns of dominos topple, tripped by a small impact on the first one? Does it make you think about the hours of precision work that made it possible, the planning, the energy and effort; or the frustration when the inevitable misadventure meant starting all over again? Did you know that the mechanical energy involved in toppling a line of dominos means that, theoretically, the effect could continue to infinity?

Although human and organizational behavior is usually the sum of many influences, not a single cause, we know that an impact on one can spread to many. The global financial crisis (GFC) is evidence of that and so is mentoring.

Mentors assist those they mentor to achieve better outcomes but the benefits are not confined to the two individuals. The impact of a single conversation can change the course of one life and therefore of many. Furthermore, learning and practicing mentoring skills makes mentors better leaders, communicators and human beings.

A YouTube video 10,000 Gold Coin Domino Effect (link below), illustrates the potential far-reaching transfer of energy as one touches another. As you watch, think again about the precision, energy and effort that went into planning and preparing for this feat because mentoring needs that too. As a strategy, mentoring is unparalleled in its potential for positive influence on individuals, organizations and society. But strategies need to be planned, mentors need to be trained and, unlike the domino effect, continual energy and attention are required because then mentoring works.

YouTube - 10,000 Gold Coin Donation Domino Effect

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