That comment, question or idea, that causes you to pause, reflect and make a decision may be a mentoring moment. In an ordinary conversation, with a colleague, manager, friend or relative, the words are not necessarily aimed at inspiring, advising or informing you but something in you responds. You receive a meaningful message that you are ready to hear and act upon.
For example, I was talking with a client in Melbourne last year. In casual conversation before facilitating a workshop, getting some background on how this very successful business had started and grown. The business owner, Mark Connolly made the comment: " sometimes you must decide what needs to be done and just do it." At the time, Mark had no idea of the impact of his words but I had been wrestling with some issues in my own business and this statement was just what I needed to hear. On the plane back to Sydney, later that day, I knew what needed to be done and had made the decision to get on and do it!
Often, once you are propelled into action synergy draws support to you. A week later, at the board meeting of a volunteer organisation, the President, Lee Clark, responded to a question about how she operates by saying: "I surround myself with people that I like and can work with who have the skills to do what's needed." This comment also had great meaning for me. The "Ah ha" was reinforcement of my earlier decision - I needed to recruit more staff. My Personal Assistant came on board shortly thereafter and made a world of difference to my business and my life.
"When The Student Is Ready, The Teacher Will Appear"
Often, a mentoring moment is serendipitous, as in the examples above. However, some people are adept at offering nuggets of wisdom they've gained from experience, voicing an opinion or sharing a story in a way that enables someone else, who is receptive, to pick up and act on a valuable message. The mentor may be consciously placing an idea before their colleague or simply have a communication style that is thought provoking for others. Either way, the mentor is not instructing, just sharing ideas, sowing seeds that may bear fruit or fall on stony ground. The mentor is not attached to an outcome. If a result occurs, they may never know. If a message is received it is because the receiver is literally, tuned in. If they decide and act upon it, it is their choice.
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