About Ann Rolfe

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Ann Rolfe is internationally recognised as Australia's leading specialist in mentoring, and is available for speaking, training and consulting. Here Ann shares her knowledge and allows you to ask your most pressing questions about mentoring.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

2013 at Mentoring Works

I love this time of year! There’s so much promise, turning over a new leaf, starting again with every possibility open. I’m wary of new-year’s resolutions but I do love setting goals, making plans and getting in closer alignment with my values.

I have a good feeling about this year! I’ve had a holiday so I’m rested, refreshed and ready!

How about you? What are your goals and plans for mentoring? How did you form them?

I’ve been thinking a lot about how you and I are passionate about mentoring but not everyone is. We get carried away, knowing how much mentoring has to offer, yet others aren’t convinced, or at least don’t give it the priority we do. That much is obvious from the input you shared in our survey.

At the end of 2012 I asked three simple questions:
  1. What is your greatest challenge or frustration regarding mentoring?
  2. What support do you most need for mentoring?
  3. What question about mentoring would you most like answered?

Plus, I invited any other feedback for Mentoring Works.

Thanks to everyone who responded. It was a pretty substantial sample, so I’m basing this year’s plans on it. I’ve listed the key themes below and I’m developing nine new webinars, articles and other goodies in response. 

The key themes that emerged are:
  • The difficulty in finding time and other resources for mentoring
  • Defining mentoring and the differences between mentoring and coaching
  • How to get mentors and keep them, and mentorees, committed and involved
  • How to gain management buy-in and support
  • What makes a great mentor? And,
  • How to evaluate results and return on investment in Mentoring.

So these will be the main issues addressed in our newsletters and webinars this year. If you subscribe you'll receive two newsletters each month, each featuring an article related to these topics.

In addition, each month theres an invitation to a complimentary webinars (see the schedule below).

If you are a member of the Mentoring Network Online (which is free to join) you’ll also be able to access a  featured free resource.

Of course, if you need more than this, I offer consulting, workshops, books and online learning to support your mentoring program. Contact me to discuss your requirements.

Webinars Schedule 2013

25 February   Mentoring and Coaching - What’s The Difference?
25 March        Attracting Mentors
29 April          Make Time For Mentoring
27 May           How to Use Free Online Tools For Mentoring
24 June           Critical Success Factors
29 July            How To Get Management Buy-in
26 August       Great Mentors
September    (no webinar)
28 October     Engage! You can lead a horse to water but how do you create a ‘thirst’ for mentoring?
25 November Who Mentors The Mentor?

Webinars are free and live, online at 11 am Sydney time.
Remember, Australia is up to 18 hours ahead of some countries so it may still be the day before at your location! Check your local time here.

I am really sorry that I can’t do these live, complimentary webinars at a more user-friendly time for some of you. Recordings are available, some for free and others with an ebook, at a small charge. To enquire about a customized webinar, at a time that suits you, contact me now.

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